Brainerd MN Spray Foam Insulation | Things Your Insulation Must Not Do

Last Updated on September 29, 2022 by Spray Foam Insulation Plus

Brainerd MN Spray Foam Insulation

As you all know, insulation is one of the crucial parts of a house or building’s structure. Therefore, one must do the job of insulation correctly. You must hire professional people who have years of experience with spray foam insulation to do the job perfectly. It is also helpful to know about the potential problems that might happen with your insulation so that you can avoid them from happening. It is why we have decided to write this blog, to educate you on the things your insulation must not do. Brainerd MN Spray Foam Insulation


Over time, insulation can “settle.” If insulation settles, it would not be as practical and helpful as before it settled. Your home’s insulation must be in proper condition for it to effectively insulate your home. Therefore, if your home’s insulation has settled or has become outdated, it would be best to replace it with newer insulation.


You do not want to get your home insulation wet or exposed to moisture/humidity. Moisture can spoil your insulation. It also depends on the insulation material of your home. Some insulation materials lose most of their insulation property when wet, like fiberglass. Therefore, until they dry, they take a long time to dry thoroughly; they are useless. Moreover, wet materials are more prone to mold growth as well.


First of all, you should not settle for an insulation type that has a chance of getting moldy. However, if it does, you need to get it removed and replaced. Some insulation get moldy when they are exposed to moisture or humidity. The type of insulation with a high chance of getting moldy is cellulose, but fiberglass also has some chances of getting moldy. Therefore, you need to choose the best material for your home insulation. Spray Foam insulation is the best option as it is made up of material that does not get moldy.


Again, it depends on the type of insulation material you use to catch fire. Insulation do not catch fire as often, it rarely happens, but it can happen. Cellulose is the least fire-resistant material and has the highest chance of catching fire. Fiberglass insulation and spray foam insulation are both much more fire-resistant and are least likely to catch fire. Again, it would be best if you consider the best material for your home as it is a one-time investment, with many cost-effective benefits in the long run.


Lastly, you do not want your insulation to be infested with pests. Pests like bugs, insects, and other small critters will ruin your home insulation. Like Spray Foam Insulation, most insulation materials are insect repellent and do not allow pests to live in them. However, it is best to research insulation material, which is the best option. Check our website for more information on Insulation and Spray foam insulation and its services.

For more information about our spray foam insulation services, feel free to contact Spray Foam Insulation Plus, the best insulation contractors in Brainerd MN, today.

Brainerd MN Spray Foam Insulation

Brainerd MN Spray Foam Insulation

Brainerd MN Spray Foam Insulation

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