Mendota Heights Spray Foam Insulation | How to Install Foam Board Insulation in Attic?
Last Updated on March 5, 2023 by Spray Foam Insulation Plus
Mendota Heights Spray Foam Insulation | How to Install Foam Board Insulation in Attic?
Let’s face it: attics are not the most exciting places in the house. However, they are vitally important in keeping your home’s structural integrity intact as well as providing insulation from temperature extremes. They also help reduce energy costs by preventing heat loss through cold roof sheathing and walls. For these reasons and more, adding foam board insulation to your attic is a wise choice. Mendota Heights Spray Foam Insulation
Check existing insulation. You can’t add to what doesn’t exist, so measure the current thickness of your attic insulation as you compare it to your desired R-value. Also check that there is no moisture in the area and that all wiring, heating equipment and other fixtures are clear and accessible.
Before you begin, you must check your attic insulation. You can’t add to what doesn’t exist, so measure the current thickness of your attic insulation as you compare it to your desired R-value. Also check that there is no moisture in the area and that all wiring, heating equipment and other fixtures are clear and accessible.
Get familiar with foam board insulation batts and rolls. Rigid foam board insulation is a versatile material used in many different construction applications, from insulating basement walls to soundproofing rooms. Foam board insulation comes in various thicknesses and sizes to accommodate a range of applications.
Foam board insulation comes in rolls or batts. Rolls are typically used to insulate the top of your attic floor, while batts are cut to fit between ceiling joists. The choice of which to use depends on the type of attic space you have and the amount of foam board insulation needed.
Contact your local insulation contractor to learn more about Mendota Heights Spray Foam Insulation and how to have it installed in a safe way in your attic.
Mark out the area where you will be adding the foam board insulation. Measure the distances between all windows, doors, ducts, pipes and other obstructions that are in place or will be installed in the future, so you know where to cut around them. Keep in mind that certain boards offer greater structural strength than others, so you may need to adjust your measurements accordingly if you have unique framing or structural needs.
Mark out the area where you will be adding the foam board insulation. Measure the distances between all windows, doors, ducts, pipes and other obstructions that are in place or will be installed in the future, so you know where to cut around them. Keep in mind that certain boards offer greater structural strength than others, so you may need to adjust your measurements accordingly if you have unique framing or structural needs.
Next, use a tape measure to measure each obstruction separately and add a few inches extra for cutting around them (possibly more if there is a lot of distance between two obstructions).
Tape the seams together with foil tape after positioning them correctly. You can use the adhesive side of foil tape or any adhesive glue recommended by your local home improvement store for this purpose.
Once you have positioned the foam board insulation in your attic, you will need to seal the seams together with foil tape. This is because foil tape is flexible and easy to work with, inexpensive and available in many different widths from ¼ inch all the way up to 4 inches. It also cuts easily without fraying. This makes it an ideal choice for sealing foam board insulation seams together.
Push the insulation into place by applying pressure evenly onto the exterior walls of the attic space. Once each panel has been secured, check for any gaps or empty spots and fill them in with additional panels as needed.
Push the insulation into place by applying pressure evenly onto the exterior walls of the attic space. Once each panel has been secured, check for any gaps or empty spots and fill them in with additional panels as needed.
If you haven’t done so already, now is a good time to install your spray foam insulation. Mendota Heights Spray Foam Insulation works best when it can be applied directly over an air barrier such as kraft paper or foil-faced batts. For this reason, we recommend installing your spray foam before you begin layering up your rigid board insulation—otherwise, you may end up damaging your newly installed rigid board later on in order to get at those hard-to-reach places where no one wants an uninsulated wall! If this is the case for yourself then I’m sorry but there isn’t much more advice I can offer except maybe just make sure everything’s tight?
If you’re looking to save money on heating and cooling costs or make your home more comfortable, foam board insulation is a great option. It’s easy to install, inexpensive and can be installed in any attic space regardless of size or shape. Contact your local Mendota Heights Spray Foam Insulation contractor to learn more about insulation for your attic. Spray Foam Insulation Plus is your trusted insulation contractor that can help with all your Mendota Heights Spray Foam Insulation needs. Reach out to us today.
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Mendota Heights Spray Foam Insulation
Mendota Heights Spray Foam Insulation

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