Why Should I Insulate a New Home with Spray Foam Insulation? (Part 1)

Why Should I Insulate a New Home with Spray Foam Insulation?

Are you in the process of buying or building a new home? An important aspect of a new home is to make sure it has the best insulation so the home is comfortable and protected for many years to come. Spray foam insulation is an excellent choice for a new home. Continue reading to learn more on why you should choose spray foam insulation in your home: Why Should I Insulate a New Home with Spray Foam Insulation

Is a Better Insulator

Spray foam insulation is to homes what a good, sturdy winter coat is for people. You may look at the cost of spray foam insulation and hesitate, but once you realize that it provides better comfort and durability than fiberglass or cellulose, you will see that it is worth the investment. Unlike fiberglass insulation, which can settle and sag over time in your attic, spray foam insulation creates a tight seal that does not let air through—which means you are not losing energy to heat loss through the attic floor. Sprayed-in insulation also creates a moisture barrier, which helps keep mold and mildew out of your home. And since it does not harbor any pests like mice or cockroaches (both of which love to burrow in fiberglass), you will not have to worry about cleaning up an unfortunately dead critter from your attic space.

Is a Cleaner Choice

If you choose to insulate a new home with spray foam insulation, you will be making a cleaner choice than if you were to use other kinds of insulation. Other types of insulation involve creating dust and debris by cutting the material to fit your space. Because spray foam insulation expands when it is sprayed in its liquid form, it does not involve creating dust or debris until it dries into its solid form. And even then, there is not any harm in breathing in the dust; because it comes from the reaction between two inert chemicals, there are no particles released into the air

Makes Your Home Healthier

Spray foam insulation is a great choice for you and your family, particularly if anyone in your household has asthma or allergies. Spray foam insulation is listed as having no toxicity and containing no pollutants that can cause respiratory illness or other sicknesses. Spray foam insulation also prevents mold and mildew buildup, which can be major triggers for allergies. As a bonus, once installed, it makes pests less likely to invade your home by reducing the need for pesticides. Additionally, its mold resistance means fewer fungi and other contaminants will be able to enter through your walls from the outdoors; likewise, spray foam insulation’s ability to prevent moisture buildup will reduce the likelihood of allergens entering from within your home.

If you are considering insulating your new home with new insulation, be sure to consider spray foam insulation. You can hire a professional spray foam insulation contractor in Richfield, Minnesota to help get the job done correctly. Spray Foam Insulation Plus is an excellent resource and we will help your new home be ready for you! Reach out to us today!

Why Should I Insulate a New Home with Spray Foam Insulation

Why Should I Insulate a New Home with Spray Foam Insulation

Why Should I Insulate a New Home with Spray Foam Insulation

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