What does Asbestos Attic Insulation look like? | Spray Foam Insulation Contractor in Burnsville MN

Last Updated on May 8, 2024 by Spray Foam Insulation Plus

Spray Foam Insulation Contractor in Burnsville MNSpray Foam Insulation Contractor in Burnsville MN | What does Asbestos Attic Insulation look like?

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos, a mineral that has been used to make insulation for decades, and vermiculite, another mineral with fire-resistant properties (which contains varying levels of asbestos), have both been used for many years as an insulation. We would likely still be using asbestos today if we didn’t know about the health risks associated with it. You may have heard the term asbestos and wondered what it looked like, but did you know that vermiculite insulation can also contain asbestos? The problem is that most people don’t know what to look for when checking their attic for asbestos or vermiculite insulations. We’re here to help you to not only identify any asbestos in your home, but also offer a better insulation alternative. Shockingly, people could legally use asbestos in their homes as recently as 2019, which means that even if your home is new you may be unknowingly exposing yourself to harmful chemicals.

What does Asbestos look like?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not easily answered. In its natural state, asbestos looks something like a grayish, silver rock that forms in thin, crystalline strands with threaded fibers attached to its structure. However, if the fibers are disturbed during the crystals growth, they easily fall away from the structure and look much like pollen or dandelion seeds- fluffy and white. It can be almost impossible to properly identify asbestos from sight alone after it’s ben manufactured into a product like insulation, as the color and composition can both be dramatically changed during this process.

Vermiculite, on the other hand, looks similar to rocky gravel when it contains asbestos. Typically, it was referred to as “loose-fill” or “blown-in” insulation, and contained small pebbles in grayish brown colors. The best way to know if your home has vermiculite is to look at when it was built: if your home was built sometime in the 1990s, then any gravel-like insulation that looks like this is probably vermiculite, or perhaps zonolite.

However, to know for sure if your home is safe, you should contact either a professional insulation company or a local asbestos testing company to verify whether your home is contaminated. It’s better to set a safety standard and avoid liability suits than allow your workers or residents to be injured by dangerous levels of the toxin.

What are the potential health risks?

Asbestos has been known to cause a number of health risks. For example, asbestosis is caused from breathing in asbestos fibers. In addition, mesothelioma and lung cancer are both caused by asbestos. Asbestos is also known to cause scarring in the lungs, which is called pleural plaques. When these plaques become larger and deeper, they can cause pleural thickening. All of these conditions are extremely serious and should be treated immediately by a medical professional who specializes in treating lung diseases. If you have any symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath due to an exposure to asbestos, please seek medical attention immediately. Because of the constant wear and tear asbestos placed on your lungs and digestive system, cancers such as colon cancer dramatically increase in those who live with asbestos insulation.

What can I replace it with?

There are many modern types of insulation that can offer your home the same insulating properties without the health risks. Spray foam insulation is a great option, as it’s fire resistant and can be applied in any space. It’s also more energy-efficient than other types of insulation, so it will significantly reduce your utility bills for years to come. If you have an attic that needs to be insulated, there are several different types that work well for this application. Spray Foam insulation is a great choice again for this as it has the ability to easily fit into tight or otherwise hard to reach places. Asbestos can be scary to deal with, but it’s important to remember that any insulation made after 1990 shouldn’t contain it. If you want to learn about the health risks of every type of insulation, speak with your local insulation contractor to learn all of the potential health risks (and benefits!) behind each type of insulation.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of spray foam insulation, please contact us today. We can help you determine if this is right for your home or business, and we will make sure that installation is done correctly so that you can enjoy a comfortable environment for years to come. To have insulation installed in your home, it is advised you hire a professional, especially for spray foam insulation. Spray Foam Insulation Plus is a trusted insulation contractor that can help install insulation in your attic. We have a great team that can help with Burnsville spray foam insulation. We will install spray foam insulation and save you the hassle. Reach out to us for Spray Foam Insulation Contractor in Burnsville MN.

If you are looking for a professional spray foam insulation contractor near Burnsville MN, reach out to your trusted insulation company, Spray Foam Insulation Plus. We will help install the insulation and answer any questions you may have about insulation.

At Spray Foam Insulation Plus, we’d be happy to offer you the benefits that Spray Foam Insulation has to offer, such as: Waterproofing, Attic Insulation, Energy Insulation Rebates, and more! Contact us today for more information on just what Spray Foam Insulation Plus can do for you and your family. We are your local spray foam insulation contractor in Burnsville Minnesota and would love to help you today!

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